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Saturday, 3 January 2015

Happy (late) 2015 !


                          HAPPY 2015

        New year is here, and ITS FINALLY 2015 LOL

With new year comes celebrations, new programmes on tv, new furniture, and new year resolutions (not for me meh) . Somehow 2015 seems like a year of many change, cos I just got some new tables and beds, and A ROBOTIC VACUUM CLEANER !!!! Such coolness!!   After much research, I chose this, and it seems like really good value, as all the other robot vacuum cleaner I found were like small dust inlet or too expensive. (Like really, would you buy a $1000+ robotic vacuum cleaner?). *sigh* Anyway, I realised that U.S shipping is damn ex(about S$100), coupled with the U.S exchange rate, NEH. I really hope I do well for my exams for this year. HAPPY 2015 :)))